The 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index: Mauritius ranks 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa


In the 16th edition if the Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI) released in February 2023, Mauritius ranked 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa and 47th worldwide (LPI 2022: 1st in Sub-Saharan Africa and 46th worldwide).

 The LPI assesses 167 countries based on the 12 pillars of prosperity namely:

  • safety & security
  • personal freedom
  • governance
  • social capital
  • investment environment
  • enterprise conditions
  • infrastructure & market access
  • economic quality
  • living conditions
  • health
  • education
  • natural environment

According to the LPI 2023, Mauritius “is the most prosperous country in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the only country in the region that is in the top 50 globally. Strong in Education, it has a 99.6% primary school completion rate, the highest in the region. Secondary school enrolment has also improved, and it is now the best performing country in the region.”

To access the full report from the Legatum Institute, please click here